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Blogging Challenge Week 1

February 17, 2012

Tell us a little bit about yourself. What makes you, you?
I’m going to cheat here and tell you to click on my little ‘About’ tab! I just typed that up last week.

Why did you decide to do the 12WBT?
I came across the 12WBT at the beginning of 2011 when a couple of my friends ‘liked’ the Facebook page. I bought Michelle’s Crunch Time books to try and help me see whether or not I liked her approach to eating and exercise – and I did. I knew quite a lot about healthy eating and exercise but needed structure and guidance to actually implement my knowledge. I really liked that she emphasises fresh, real food – not meal replacements or artificial stuff – and a variety of exercise. I’ve come back because I’m not done yet! And really, the price of the program is not a huge amount compared to some other things (gym membership, bad food, ill-health).

What are you hoping to achieve through the program?
I have a pesky few kilos I would like to lose but my main goal in 2012 is to run a marathon. 12WBT will help keep me focused on that goal.

Why have you decided to blog about the 12WBT? What will be the main focus (eg, food, exercise, a bit of everything?)
Because no-one listens to me when I talk so I take to the internet? 😉 This is a general-purpose blog so a bit of everything.

How will you be exercising this round? Gym, home, outdoors or a mixture?
Gym only if I travel and visit a hotel gym! My cardio I do outdoors – mostly running – strength and core I will mostly do at home. It’s too hard to get to a gym regularly, which just adds another obstacle and potential excuse (although it is easier to focus at the gym once I get there, which I miss). I don’t drive so unfortunately it is trickier than for most.

What is your greatest strength that will help you?
Stubbornness. I’ve spoken about my marathon goal enough that I can’t back out of it.

What are you afraid of?
I’m afraid of many things. This might be a whole ‘nother blog post on its own.

What are you looking forward to the most over the next 12 weeks?
Fajitas are on the menu plan this week, that rates pretty highly 😛

What is your downfall? Food? Exercise? How will you overcome this?
Food. And keeping up with the strength/core parts of the program. It’s easy for me to go for a run, not so easy to knuckle down and do weights. I just need to tell myself to JFDI as Mish would say.

If you had to pick one word to motivate you over the next 12 weeks, what would you choose?

Whirlie’s Blogging Challenge

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